Fostering well-being environment in
construction industry while pursuing
optimum solutions for customers.
Since its start-up in 1998, AQA Inc. has been a leader in consultancy business for building construction in Japan, introducing leading-edge technical expertise in the market by highly skilled professionals. We provide our global customers with comprehensive technical services from early stage of project initiation through project closing and operational cycle by organizing strong project team to explore optimum value proposition.
Our broad and extensive knowledge, skill and experience in local business practice have been well recognized among our global customers who were initially unfamiliar with distinctive culture and standard practice in construction business in Japan. Our capability to interpret the different business culture between Japan and other countries will substantially eliminate the fundamental barriers which newcomers may encounter.
Project Management
- No matter how sophisticated the specifics of projects are, we are capable to control complexity and uncertainty of unidentified risks and opportunities involved in technical, financial, operational and legal aspects of the projects and secure our customers to achieve their business goals via optimum fast track route.
Management- Our construction management services cover full range of technical aspects from pre-project phase through planning and design phase, contractor selection phase, construction phase, commissioning and pre-opening phase and project closing phase. Our value is attested by our technical skills and capabilities which were tempered through our rich experience in over 1,500 projects with extremely high complexity.
Quantity Surveyor
- Through our rich experience with customers from UK business cultured countries, we are fully familiar with the specifics of requirements and expectations from such customers with similar nature, Our strong and consistent capability in accurate pricing and valuation of the project would be the key differentiating factors from other similar consultants.
Building Diagnosis
- Our building diagnosis service will facilitate our customers to learn the real and accurate building status by our building survey and analysis conducted by our experts on the health, stability, sustainability and safety of the building.
Value Proposition
Assessment- We provide our customers with our professional advisory on value analysis by which our customers will identify the preferred match among key parametric factors such as price, lead-time, quality, availability, commerciality, durability, future maintenance, environmental compliance and other aspects.
Code Compliance
Review- Since incompliance with the latest building codes are often found due to occasional building codes updates applicable to aged buildings, we assist our customers to verify the code compliance of their buildings and provide technical solutions if any remedy is required.
Asset Management
Technical Support- As building properties under asset management typically require constant and seamless building care and services, we provide our customers with technical support for repair, renewal and capital expenditure response.
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
- Our life cycle cost (LCC) assessment will cover the entire expenditure of building life span of which initial investment is often highlighted while post completion expenditure are typically far beyond it. LCC approach will contribute to Value Proposition Study as one of the key parametric factors.
ESG Compliance
Support- We provide our customers with our technical support and assessment to comply with ESG initiatives. Our experience and knowledge in environmental friendly projects will contribute to our customers for deployment and implementation of their ESG policy.

About AQA
AQA Inc. pursues value innovation along with our philosophy "human harmony, technology synthesis and integrity between human and technology". We originate value and contribute to society through our business as project management, construction management and QS consultant.